Is over at:
Summer break …
It’s summer, and it’s hot. There are books I’d like to read and movies I’d like to see, and I need to get caught up on some book reviews for the blog, among several other things.
In other words, I’m taking a few days off from blogging. I’ll be back with new posts on Friday, July 1 — the release date for First Frost, a prequel e-story in my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series.
Hope everyone has a good week. Stay cool!
Tags: General musings
First Frost e-story …
So I finally have some cover art to share for First Frost, the prequel e-story that I’m doing for my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series. Pretty cool, huh? And here’s the story description:
I am Gwen Frost, and I have a Gypsy gift. It’s called psychometry — that’s a fancy way of saying that I see images in my head and get flashes of other people’s memories off almost everything I touch, even guys.
My gift makes me kind of nosy. Okay, okay, maybe a lot nosy — to the point of obsession sometimes. I want to know everything about everyone around me. But even I don’t want to know the secret that a girl in my class is hiding or the terrible loss that will send me to a new school — Mythos Academy, where the teachers aren’t preparing us for the SATs, but to battle Reapers of Chaos. Now I have no friends and no idea how my gift fits in with all these warrior whiz kids. The only thing I do know is that my life is never, ever going to be the same …
This e-story takes place before the events in Touch of Frost, the first book in the Mythos Academy series. You can click here to read an excerpt of the e-story.
The e-story will be released on July 1 (I can’t believe July is only two weeks away), and it’s now up for pre-order at Amazon as a 99-cent Kindle download. I’m not sure when it will go up at Barnes & Noble, but I’m guessing probably sometime in the next few days.
Please note that the e-story will be available through Amazon and other online booksellers, not as a free story here on the website. I know some folks might be disappointed by this, but more people look at Amazon and other book sites than visit my website. So I think releasing First Frost as an e-story is a good marketing opportunity and hopefully a way to reach new readers.
You don’t have to read First Frost to start or enjoy the series, but if you want to see exactly how Gwen winds up at Mythos Academy, you might like it.
Tags: About Books, Mythos Academy series, On Writing, Short stories
Rings and shields and hammers, oh my …
So the Green Lantern movie is out today, Captain America will hit theaters in another month, and Thor has been out since early May.
All these movies have got me thinking about the heroes and their various gadgets/powers. Green Lantern has his ring, Captain America has his shield, and Thor has his hammer. If you had to pick just one, which gadget/power would you go with?
I’d pick Green Lantern’s ring because you can create anything you can dream up with it. Although Thor’s hammer would be fun to use in a Hulk smash! kind of way.
What about you guys? Which superhero gadget would you pick? And what movies are you looking forward to this summer?
Tags: General musings, Movies
The future of bookstores …
I saw something interesting at my local Barnes & Noble the other day — a poster advertisizing a Green Lantern costume party this weekend. In fact, every time I go into my local B&N these days, it seems like there is some event going on, whether it’s a book signing, something for teachers, or staff members demonstrating Nooks. I even thought I saw someone giving out makeup samples one day.
Everyone knows that bookstores large and small are struggling these days, and I wonder if this is the future of bookstores — if they will slowly morph into more of a community gathering place rather than just a shop that sells books.
I think it’s an interesting idea. Libraries do tons of different programs already — everything from kids’ storytimes to job fairs to art exhibits. A library is definitely more than just a place where you can borrow books — it’s a great resource. Seriously, if you haven’t been to your local library lately, go see what they have to offer. I bet you’ll find something that interests you.
I wonder if bookstores will follow the same trend. Certainly, all the different events at my local B&N seem to be getting folks in the doors since the store is almost always busy whenever I’m there. I imagine that more than a few of those folks coming in for the events take the time to browse around, buy some books, have some coffee, and maybe even eat a cupcake or two.
I don’t know if the different events help the store or not, or how much, but I don’t see how they can hurt. I think a Green Lantern costume party is a pretty cool idea, and I always look at the posters by the front doors to see what’s coming up.
What about you guys? Do you go to events at your local library or bookstore? Have you noticed more events taking place at your local bookstore?
Tags: About Books, General musings
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