I’m thrilled to announce that Tangled Threads got 4 1/2 stars and a Top Pick from Romantic Times. Huzzah! Here’s what the reviewer, Jill Smith, had to say about the book:
After the most recent defeats she has suffered at the hands of the Spider, it is not surprising when mob boss/Fire Elemental Mab Monroe brings in the big guns. As Gin and her foster brother Finn surveil a planned hit, they spy deadly electrical elemental assassin Elektra LaFleur. After learning that LaFleur has kidnapped a child and is planning on assassinating Gin’s still unacknowledged baby sister, Detective Bria Coolidge, Gin goes on the warpath. (POCKET, May, 384 pp., $7.99)
I just want to say thanks to Jill and the folks at RT for taking the time to read and review the book. I appreciate it.
And I have one more piece of good news: Gin Blanco was named the winner of the Urban Fantasy Protagonist category in the magazine’s annual RT Book Reviews awards. I think this is the first award that I’ve ever won for one of my books. I was happy just to be nominated, especially since there are so many great urban fantasy books out right now.
Anyway, I’m totally doing the happy dance today. 😉