Where has all the time gone? Because it’s already March. Seriously, the last two months have flown by. Gah!
And I bet that March is going to go by just as fast, since I’ve got a month full of deadlines looming. I’ve got copy edits due for Venom, final page proofs for Web of Lies, and I need to do one more quick polish on Elemental Assassin 5 before sending that in to my agent. Oh yeah, and come up with a title for it too. I also want to go back and do one more polish on the urban fantasy young adult book that I’ve been working on, and I need to revise Spy 2, which is part of a new urban fantasy series that I hope to sell.
And, in between all this, I have to sack up 500 packets of bookmarks for my next promotional mailing and stuff about 140 envelopes that go out to bookstores/readers’ groups as part of another mailing.
I so need a clone, if only so she could stand in line at the post office for me. 😉