So Wheezley and I have actually been to the movies a couple of times already this summer. Here’s what we’ve seen so far:
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: Just average. The story was okay, but I don’t know, it just didn’t have the spark that some of the other X-Men movies have had. That being said, there was a lot of man candy to look at (I had no idea Ryan Reynolds was so buff!), and I did like the fight scene with Wolverine and Gambit (Taylor Kitsch from Friday Night Lights).
But I didn’t really care about the love interest or the whole Sabretooth-brother plot. And, as Wheezley pointed out, there were a few too many scenes of Hugh Jackman screaming at the heavens. And the CGI at the end wasn’t that great. (Was that really Patrick Stewart?) Overall, just meh.
Star Trek: It totally rocked. I’ve never seen a single episode of the TV series or any of the movies, so I’m not really a Trekkie at all. But I thought the movie was excellent. It was a really well-done origin story that had a lot of things in there for the fans and non-fans alike (I loved Bones chasing Kirk around the ship and giving him shot after shot).
The time-travel storyline made my head hurt a little, but then again, it always does. It was nice seeing Zachary Quinto in a non-Sylar role, and Chris Pine did an excellent job as Kirk. Overall, it was everything a summer movie should be — smart and fun with some cool effects.
Terminator Salvation: It sucked. I didn’t have high hopes for it, but it was just not good. I think one of the main problems was just the lack of any kind of humor or lightness whatsoever. That’s what made T2 and T3 so entertaining. Yeah, the world was ending, but Arnold still had some funny lines along the way. T4 was just … depressing. And again, the time travel stuff made my head hurt.
And how many people have to die before folks realize that maybe getting into a car/plane/helicopter/whatever with Christian Bale will lead to their untimely demise? Just a thought. Everybody who got in any kind of moving vehicle with him ended up getting shot down or eaten by killer water robots.
So there you have it. My take of the summer movies so far. What about you guys? What movies have you enjoyed this summer? Share in the comments.