Well, I knew it couldn’t last. Over the holidays and the last few weeks, I’ve been lazing around –Â reading books, watching my A-Team DVDs, cleaning out my basement. Basically waiting around for the publishing folks and everyone else to get over the holiday madness and get back to work.
Yesterday, I got some thoughts on revisions for my Assassin book from my agent. Which is good because I’m out of my holding pattern. And bad because it means I have to get back to work now, too. Sigh.
Ah, well. The sooner I finish it, the sooner is will (hopefully!) sell. :bub:
Ideally, I’d like to send the revised Assassin book back to my agent and finish a rough draft of my second Spy book by the end of January. We’ll see how that goes.
What about you? What do you want to accomplish this month?