Liomas Thomas, a reader and writer, was nice enough to write me and tell me about a review he did of Karma Girl. He had some very nice things to say about the book.
Here’s the link. Thanks, Liomas! 😎
Liomas Thomas, a reader and writer, was nice enough to write me and tell me about a review he did of Karma Girl. He had some very nice things to say about the book.
Here’s the link. Thanks, Liomas! 😎
So, I had this idea for a contemporary romance on Saturday night. And I started writing a rough draft on Sunday (yes, I’m a panster, not a plotter).
I’m about 20,000 words into it right now — and it sucks. I mean really, really sucks. There’s no romance. It’s all about a woman trying to make up for past mistakes. It’s just not fun. And, if you’ve read Karma Girl, you know I like fun. 😉
Of course, I think all my books suck when I’m first writing them. Which is why I usually pound out a 50,000-word draft just to see if there’s a glimmer of hope in my story.
It’s a tough decision, but I think I’m going to put this contemporary romance aside and work on something else. There are so many books I want to write. I want to write a contemporary romance. A heist book. A romantic suspense. An assassin book. Oh yeah, I need to write some more Bigtime books too. :grin:Â
Up next? Probably finishing up the spy book I’ve had in the works for a while now. And I have a really cool idea for a book about the Greek gods …
What about you? At what point do you abandon an idea or save it until later? Inquiring minds want to know …
Here’s the final cover art for Hot Mama. Basically, some of the text on the front got tweaked, and they added a cover blurb at the bottom.
I thought the Karma Girl cover was excellent, but I think I like this one just a tiny bit better. Kudos go out to artist Stanley Chow for his excellent design. Fiona Fine looks just the way I picture her in my head. Once you read the book, I think you’ll agree too.
Now that I have the cover, you know what’s coming next … bookmarks! Wha-ha-ha! 😈
So, I attended my annual family reunion this weekend. There was food. Lots of folks I haven’t seen in a while. Embarrassing childhood photos. Think me at 10 years old with pink glasses and a poofy perm. It wasn’t pretty.
Still, I had a good time catching up with folks. Cousins, cousins, and more cousins. There were about 100 of them there. My great-granparents had 8 (or maybe 9) kids. Then, they had kids. Then those folks had kids … You get the idea.
The sad thing is a lot of us live within 10 miles of each other, but they only time we get together is at the reunion. Everybody’s busy with work and (even more) kids and other things.
Oh yeah, it also rained a good part of the day Saturday. It hasn’t rained all summer, but it suddenly decided to this weekend. It never fails. We could be in the worst drought ever, and it would still rain during the family reunion. We should hire ourselves out as rainmakers and make some extra cash. 😈
What about you? Are you going to the ole family reunion this year? Inquiring minds want to know …
Writing is a lonely, depressing business full of heartache and rejection. Have I depressed you already? Need a pick-me-up? Then head on over to the new site, Write Attitude. It features quotes and inspirational stories about writers and their struggles (including one by yours truly).
Check it out! 😎
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