So, I had this idea for a contemporary romance on Saturday night. And I started writing a rough draft on Sunday (yes, I’m a panster, not a plotter). I’m about 20,000 words into it right now — and it sucks. I mean really, really sucks. There’s no romance. It’s all about a woman trying to make up for past mistakes. →
Category: About Books
One hot cover …
Here’s the final cover art for Hot Mama. Basically, some of the text on the front got tweaked, and they added a cover blurb at the bottom. I thought the Karma Girl cover was excellent, but I think I like this one just a tiny bit better. Kudos go out to artist Stanley Chow for his excellent design. Fiona Fine →
The Write Attitude …
Writing is a lonely, depressing business full of heartache and rejection. Have I depressed you already? Need a pick-me-up? Then head on over to the new site, Write Attitude. It features quotes and inspirational stories about writers and their struggles (including one by yours truly). Check it out! 😎
Karma Girl in Publishers Weekly!
My agent just e-mailed and told me that Karma Girl is in this week’s issue of Publishers Weekly. It’s featured with three other comic-book novels. Here’s a link to the story. From the formatting, I can’t tell if they ran a picture or not. But any mention in PW is a pretty big deal, especially for a newbie author like me. →
RWA, Part V — the BIG picture …
So, my significant other asked me what I learned at RWA this year. What the BIG picture is, so to speak. Here goes: 1) I’m starting to get my name out there: Several people had either heard of me or Karma Girl, which I took as an encouraging sign. It seems like all the blogs and interviews and publicity I’ve →
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