Over the weekend, I got some cover art for Bigtime 2, aka Hot Mama. This isn’t the final cover, but it gives y’all an idea of what to look for. Personally, I looove it. It captures Fiera, the main character, exactly the way I picture her in my head. Sassy, sexy, and sophisticated. I can’t wait to get the final →
Category: About Books
Bookmarks, bookmarks, bookmarks …
Hurray! I have bookmarks for Karma Girl. 5,000 of them to be exact. Or 48 pounds’ worth. Who knew they would weigh that much? Or take up so much room in my office? Want some freebies? Anyone, anyone? Bueller? Bueller? 😎 If you want some free bookmarks, send me an e-mail at jennifer@jenniferestep.com, and I’ll tell you were to send your →
Book signings and more …
All right, I have officially set up some May book signings and readings for Karma Girl. Yeah! Here’s what I have so far: May 5: I’ll be at Barnes & Noble in Johnson City, Tenn. Time to be determined shortly. May 8: I’ll be at Madagascar Coffee Co. in Kingsport, Tenn. Time to be determined shortly, but it will be after 5 p.m. →
Meh comments …
Every once in a while, I google myself just to see what people are saying about the books. Today, I came across a strange comment, posted by someone who has evidently seen/read Karma Girl. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad. It was just what my significant other and I call a meh comment. Roughly translated, Meh means I don’t care one way or →
I’m an Amazon addict …
Okay, I have to confess something. I’m completely addicted to Amazon. More specifically, to checking my sales numbers for Karma Girl. I know, I know, it’s not even out yet. It won’t be out for three more months (May 1 to be exact). But evidently, Amazon keeps track of pre-orders and posts those ranks too. Right now, I am #711,130 →
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