Breathe deeply. Can you smell that? Fall’s in the air. At least in my neck of the woods. Every time around this year, I notice this scent early in the morning when I get up to go to work. This cool, tantalizing smell that makes me think of plowed fields and leaves and pumpkins. Ah, fall. It’s my favorite time of the →
Category: General musings
Football time …
I’ve kind of forgotten about with with the Summer Olympics on, but it’s almost NFL time again. Yeah! 😎 Of course, I don’t expect any team I like to do well (they never do), but football is one of my favorite sports and I always love watching it. Not to mention the start of the NFL season means that fall →
8 is the luckiest number …
What else is there to say about Michael Phelps? Wow. Just … wow. I think one of the great things about his story is that it shows that hard work really does pay off. Phelps had a dream, and he worked hard for years to make it happen. And it did. Publishing is a tough business to be in, but →
Weekend plans …
Okay, I’ve been goofing off all week reading and watching the Olympics. Time to get back in the saddle, read through the second draft of Assassin 2, and get to work on that. And think about where I want the story to go in Assassin 3. I also think I’m going to work on some workshop proposals for RWA Nationals next →
I wonder …
if all these Olympic athletes really eat fried chicken sandwiches from McDonald’s and drink massive amounts of Coke. Because I’ve seen tons of commercials the past week were they do just that. Even I feel my arteries hardening when I eat McDonald’s or chug down a Coke. So would an Olympic athlete, whose body is a freakishly fit temple, really pollute his buff physique →
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