So, my significant other asked me what I learned at RWA this year. What the BIG picture is, so to speak. Here goes: 1) I’m starting to get my name out there: Several people had either heard of me or Karma Girl, which I took as an encouraging sign. It seems like all the blogs and interviews and publicity I’ve →
Category: General musings
RWA Part IV …
More from RWA on people I met … Suzanne Enoch and Wendy Etherington: These are the two lovely ladies I was sitting in between at the Literacy signing. Wendy joked that someone had finally come in between her and Suzanne (evidently, they’d been sitting next to each other at the signing for a couple of years now). Suzanne writes these →
RWA Part III …
More from RWA, this time on various book signings and parties … Best signings: The Literacy signing on Wednesday and the Berkley author signing on Friday. Honestly, those were the only two I went to. I had so many events and meetings I didn’t have time to get to any of the others. Maybe next year … Worst signings: None. I →
RWA Part II …
Here are some of my impressions of the hotel and Dallas in general: 960 miles: That’s how far it was from my house to Dallas. Yes, Virginia, I drove to conference. Probably won’t happen again … 15 hours: How long it took me to drive said miles one way. $150: Total amount I spent for gas. Not too bad. The hotel →
RWA tidbits …
Well, I’m back from the annual RWA conference. Whew! I’m still exhausted, but I thought I’d share some thoughts and pictures from the conference. This is Stephanie Hale and me at the Berkley author signing on Friday afternoon. Stephanie was nice enough to put some of the chocolate she’d brought on my side of the table (I totally forgot to bring →
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