JódÃs Sheepflattener (Well, actually, that wouldn’t really be your name — since you’re female, your name would be something like “JódÃs Björnsdottir”. But this is the twenty-first century, and you want to be known for who you are, not for who your father was, right? Right.) Your Viking Personality: The tougher Vikings might let you on the boat, but generally only →
Category: General musings
Pushy and demanding …
I spent my Saturday visiting every comic-book and bookstore in my region. I got my business cards and book fliers ready, got in my car, and went around and accosted people. Here’s my spiel: Hi, I’m a local author. I have a book coming out in May. (Hand flier to person. Smile). I was wondering if you’d be interested in carrying a →
A reader comments on superheroes …
On one of my Web pages, I invite people to e-mail me and tell me who their favorite hero is and why. Well, I got my first e-mail about superheroes today. rvarnum writes:Â How do you choose just one? I will have to go with Storm of the X-men. She can control the weather. The amazing gift and the character’s →
My resolutions …
Since it’s almost New Year’s, I’d thought I’d share some of my resolutions. I won’t bore you with the 30 or so that I usually write (yes, Virginia, I really write that many), but here are my top five writing-related ones. 😉 1) Write two more Bigtime books — Jinx and either Black Widow or Nightingale. 2) Write two Spy Girl →
More holiday fun …
Not ready to face the fact that Christmas is over? Check out this fun site: Pimp My Nutcracker. Happy holidays and have a safe New Year’s! Jennifer
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