Happy release day to me …

So this is it — May 25 aka the release day for Web of Lies. Huzzah! I hope everyone has as much fun reading the book as I did writing it.

It seems like just yesterday that I was celebrating the release day of Spider’s Bite. But now, it’s time to focus on the second book chronicling the adventures of Gin Blanco. If the reaction to Web of Lies is anything like it was for Spider’s Bite, I’ll be smiling a lot. Seriously, I got tons of e-mails from folks who loved the first book, and I hope everyone likes the second book even more.

And if you like Web of Lies, you won’t have long to wait for the third book. Venom will be out Sept. 28.

Anyway, I’m going to go bask in the goodness that is release day now.

Happy reading! 😉

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10 Responses to “Happy release day to me …”

  1. Xid Trebor says:

    Congrats on the latest addition! I’m glad Gin is finding out more about her powers (& her past). Will she need some special training for her expanded power? (Maybe her sister?) Each book is more & more exciting & I can’t wait for the next one!!

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    Thanks! I appreciate that. Well, I don’t want to be too spoilery so I’ll just say this — Gin’s magic will continue to grow in each book and she’ll discover some new tricks. And she’ll need them, with the bad guys that I have lined up against her. 😉

  3. Dolly says:

    Loved both books. It takes something special to get me involved in a new series and you certainly have it. Will there be more than the three books? I hope there’s more!!! please, please.

  4. Dolly says:

    Sorry about my question. I answered it myself by reading further on your website. Thanks again for writing for us readers.

  5. Jennifer Estep says:

    Chas — Thanks! I’m glad that you’re enjoying Gin’s adventures. 😉

    Dolly — No problem. Yep, right now, I’m under contract for five books. Venom comes out Sept. 28, and books 4 and 5 will be out in 2011. Thanks for letting me know how much you’re enjoying the series!

  6. Deyanira says:

    I love this series sooo much. gin is amazing wether she nows it or not. her characther is so realistic. i hate the dude from the first book what is his problem, the dude with the D. gin knows what she needs to do and does it. i just wish next book would hurry up im dying to know what happens next.

  7. Jennifer Estep says:

    Deyanira — Cool! I’m glad that you are enjoying the series. Well, if you don’t like the D dude, Venom should make you very happy … 😉

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