Happy Thanksgiving!
Question: How do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
Answer: Thanksgiving is my favorite weekend/holiday of the year. Family, friends, food, football, holiday decorations and movies … I love it all.
For starters, I will hang out with Little Debbie and Kitty Boodle and eat way too many turkey sandwiches. I also hope to see some other family members/friends this week.

I also like to put my Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving morning while I watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. If things get really wild and crazy, I might even read a book for fun (gasp!) instead of re-reading one of my own books for work for the umpteenth time. 😆 #letsnotgetcrazyJennifer
I will do some work this weekend, but mostly, I just hope to slow down and relax for a few days and remember how much I have to be thankful/grateful for this year.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, food, football, and all the things you love. Thank you for reading. Happy Thanksgiving! 😎