Kiss of Frost back cover copy …

Okay, I’ve gotten the back cover copy for Kiss of Frost, the second book in my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series:

Logan Quinn was try­ing to kill me. My Spar­tan class­mate relent­lessly pur­sued me, swing­ing his sword at me over and over again, the shin­ing sil­ver blade inch­ing closer to my throat every time. A smile tugged up his lips, and his ice-blue eyes prac­ti­cally glowed with the thrill of battle …

I’m Gwen Frost, a second-year warrior-in-training at Mythos Acad­emy, and I have no idea how I’m going to sur­vive the rest of the semes­ter. One day, I’m get­ting schooled in sword­play by the guy who broke my heart — the drop-dead gor­geous Logan who slays me every time. Then, an invis­i­ble archer in the Library of Antiq­ui­ties decides to use me for tar­get prac­tice. And now, I find out that some­one at the acad­emy is really a Reaper bad guy who wants me dead. I’m afraid if I don’t learn how to live by the sword — with Logan’s help — I just might die by the sword …

Sounds pretty cool, huh? Or maybe I’m just a little biased. 😉

By the way, I let Wheezley, my significant other read this one, and he called it my girly angsty book. LOL. So make of that what you will.

Anyway, Kiss of Frost is out on Nov. 29. I’ll be posting the cover art when it becomes available.

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8 Responses to “Kiss of Frost back cover copy …”

  1. Tabitha says:

    Sounds great and of course I’m not bias. I only love all your books and you’re one of my auto buy authors. Lol. Seriously I can’t wait to start this series!

  2. Erin says:

    I’m liking the new book cover more and more now. Reading the back totally makes this book perfect for the Young Adult market. I will be picking this one up as well. (Good thing I got a bookshelf from a closing Borders the other day!) But first I’m waiting for April 26th! =P

    Congrats on all your success, and all the books you’ve managed to publish in such a short time! It is amazing you are able to turn out so much so quickly. I wait years for continuation books from other authors.

    Take Cares,

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Me too. The more I look at the Touch of Frost cover, the more I like it. Thanks for the nice words. I appreciate them. And I hope Tangled Threads is worth the wait! 😉

  3. Jenny says:

    SO EXCITED FOR THIS! Waiting is going to be very hard. Can’t wait to see the cover for this one too, all your books have such gorgeous covers:)

  4. Jaz says:

    I can’t wait for kiss of frost, this series is like one of my all time favourites and love the covers for both books, they’re gorgeous. The waiting is goning to be so hard, anyway love your books.

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