Well, it looks like I posted too soon. My publisher has decided to change the cover art for Touch of Frost, the first book in my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series. I’ve known about this for a while. In fact, my editor told me that they’d decided to change the cover a few days after I posted the →
Tag Archives: About Books
Back to print …
Well, I have a bit of good news to report: Venom is going back for another printing. Huzzah! This will make the third printing for Venom. Spider’s Bite and Web of Lies are in their third printings as well. Now, I don’t have huge print runs to start with and these subsequent printings are pretty small (5,000 more copies this →
Blogs, blogs, blogs …
I like reading about books just as much as I like writing them. Probably more so, since reading books doesn’t come with pesky things like copy edits or deadlines. LOL. Today, I wanted to give a shout-out and say thanks to all the book reviewers and bloggers out there. You guys are so instrumental in getting the word out about →
First Frost e-short story …
Well, I’ve turned in the page proofs so I guess I can announce this now: I’m doing an e-short story for the Mythos Academy series. The story is called First Frost and is a prequel to Touch of Frost, the first book in the series that’s coming out on July 26 from Kensington. Basically, First Frost fills in some of →
Letting go …
So I’ve been sending out e-ARCs of Tangled Threads to reviewers/bloggers, and a few folks have e-mailed me back letting me know about typos, small mistakes, etc. I’m really grateful for this, and I’ve been able to make some changes based on these e-mails. Even if it’s too late to make changes to the original version, I still pass along →
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