Some of you have seen this already over at Heroes and Heartbreakers, who did a cover reveal last week (thanks so much, guys!), but I thought I would also post it here on my blog. Today, I’m sharing the cover art for Heart of Venom, the ninth book in my Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series. Huzzah! Once again, the cover →
Tag Archives: About Books
And the winner is …
The randomly selected winner of a print copy of Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes is: Heather K. Congrats! You have until midnight, EST, Sunday, Jan. 27 to e-mail me or I will pick another winner. Thanks again to Morgan for doing the guest post and to everyone who left a comment.
Guest blog: Morgan Rhodes on Falling Kingdoms …
Today, I’m pleased to welcome epic fantasy young adult author Morgan Rhodes to my blog. She’s the author of Falling Kingdoms (and a whole bunch of other books as Michelle Rowen). Take it away, Morgan: FALLING KINGDOMS, YA, AND MORE Question: Hi, Morgan. Thanks for taking the time to guest blog. Please tell us about your new book, Falling →
Reminder: Five Elemental Assassin e-books on sale through Jan. 21 …
Just a reminder that the e-books for the first five Elemental Assassin urban fantasy books — Spider’s Bite, Web of Lies, Venom, Tangled Threads, and Spider’s Revenge— are currently on sale for $2.99 each. The sale is in effect at all the major e-book retailers — Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Kobo, iTunes, etc. The e-book sale will run through →
Books in my TBR pile …
Well, the holiday rush is over, and those bookstore gift cards have been getting a workout. I’ve been on a bit of a young adult reading kick lately, so today, I thought I’d share some of the YA books in my to-be-read pile. Note that the descriptions are from Goodreads: The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa: My name is Meghan →
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