Web of Lies comes out on May 25 (less than three weeks now!), so that means that it’s time for me to do another blog tour. Here are some of the places that I’ll be guest blogging at. Lots of these posts will have giveaways with them, and I’ve broken them up by weeks: May 17: Fresh Fiction May 21: →
Tag Archives: On Writing
Why I write …
I get a lot of e-mails from writers’ groups, readers, bookstores, and everyone in between. It’s all part of the author gig. Most of the e-mails are positive, and the response to Spider’s Bite has been wonderful — everything I’d hoped it would be. But one recent e-mail has stood out from the rest, so I thought that I would →
Romantic Times convention wrap-up …
Last week, I attended the annual Romantic Times convention in Columbus, Ohio. So I thought I would do a little wrap-up of some of the sights and sounds: 1) Southern Ohio is a massive speedtrap. Why is the speed limit 55 mph when the road is straight, flat, and I can see for two miles? 2) Columbus is a pretty →
On publishing …
Jennifer Conner over at Seattle Writing Careers Examiner was nice enough to ask me to guest blog on the site. The post is up today, and I give some general tips for aspiring writers. You can check it out here. Happy reading!
A touch of frost …
In addition to finishing the revisions on Elemental Assassin #4, I’ve also written a young adult book. I’m calling it A Touch of Frost, and it focuses on Gwen Frost, a Gypsy girl with the gift of psychometry — or the ability to know an object’s history just by touching it. After her mom’s death, Gwen gets shipped off to →
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