Spider’s Trap, the 13th book in my Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series, will be released on July 28. Spider’s Trap is up for pre-order at all the usual retailers, including: Amazon Kindle / Amazon paperback / Barnes & Noble / Books-A-Million / iBooks/ Google Play / Kobo / IndieBound The audio book will be available through Audible, and the awesome →
Tag Archives: On Writing
The work of self-publishing …
Note: This post appeared last week at Magical Musings, and I wanted to share it here as well. Over the past several months, I’ve been working on writing and self-publishing a new book in my Bigtime superhero series. I’m happy to announce that I self-published Fandemic, the fifth book in the series, on June 2. Woot! I’m so glad that →
Fandemic, Bigtime #5, released …
Fandemic, the fifth book in my Bigtime superhero series, has been released. Woot! The Fandemic e-book is $2.99, and it is available at the following sites: Amazon Kindle / Barnes & Noble / Google Play / iBooks / Kobo / Smashwords A print version of Fandemic is available for $8.99 through Amazon. Here is the book description: Piper Perez has →
Fandemic, Bigtime #5, up for pre-order …
Fandemic, the fifth book in my Bigtime superhero series, will be released on June 2. Woot! The Fandemic e-book will be priced at $2.99. It is up for pre-order at the following sites: Amazon Kindle / Google Play / iBooks / Kobo / Smashwords The e-book will also be available at Barnes & Noble. That link should go up on →
Writing something new …
Note: This post appeared at Magical Musings last week, but I wanted to share it here on my blog too. Cold Burn of Magic, the first book in my Black Blade young adult urban fantasy series, was released on April 28. Woot! Having a new book out is always exciting, but it always makes me a little nervous too. As →
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